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别名: 无声的证言第二十五季


Forensic pathologists face personal and professional challenges in a moody, tense thriller that moves from the crime scene to the lab.   Amanda Burton makes a dramatic return to Silent Witness as she reprises her role of Sam Ryan for the 25th anniversary.   Amanda first appeared in the lead role of pathologist Sam Ryan in 1996, starring in 54 episodes before leaving in 2004, when h...  展开全部


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  • 2015 1.0


    陈帅(孟鹏 饰)是一个整日游手好闲的小混混,只求能在形势一片大好的电商浪潮中分一杯羹,然而却屡屡遭遇失败。一场意外让陈帅结识了名为张凯文(范逸臣 饰)的男子,志同道合的两人一拍即合,正式投身电商行业,开起了网店。   在此过程中,两人结识了尤娜(付曼 饰)和神通广大的白凯(邓宁 饰),一行人想尽了各种奇葩的方法,只为了能够提高店里的流量和销量。在白凯的帮助下,陈帅和张凯文迅速获得了巨大的成功,享受到了一夜暴富的刺激,然而让他们没有想到的是,他们渐渐落入了白凯一手编织的陷阱之中。得知了白凯的阴谋,良心尚存的张凯文理智的选择了退出,而经不住巨大利益的诱惑,陈帅加入了白凯的队伍之中。

  • 2012 5.0


    韩峰(韩兆 饰)在一天之内丢掉了工作和恋人,一无所有的他陷入了人生的低谷之中。然而,韩峰的运气发生了触底反弹,他竟然被大名鼎鼎的大时代公司给录用了。不过,得意忘形的韩峰很快就犯了错误,遭到了人事部经理夏雪(张楚焱 饰)的厌恶,等待韩峰的结局只有一个,那就是拍屁股走人。   就在这个节骨眼上,总经理杨阳(王彤 饰)现身留住了韩峰,让他以试用职员的身份留在公司里。虽然没有被辞退,但杨阳之后的日子也不好过,对他早有成见的夏雪在工作中处处和他针锋相对,两人之间产生了诸多的矛盾。然而,韩峰用自己的实力证明了价值,最终获得了同事和领导们的信任,也收获了真挚的感情。

  • 1988 3.0


    阿基姆(艾迪·墨菲 Eddie Murphy 饰)是扎门达国的王子,他和侍从桑米(阿瑟尼奥·豪尔 Arsenio Hall 饰)来到美国,要在这里进行为期40天的微服访问。对于阿基姆来说,此行还有另外一个目的,他对父亲甲斐(詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯 James Earl Jones 饰)为自己安排的婚事很是不满,所以阿基姆决定,一定要在美国找到自己的真命天女。 幸运的是,这样的女人很快就出现了,她的名字叫做莎莉(沙里·海德利 Shari Headley 饰)。为了接近莎莉,阿基姆进入了莎莉父亲开的面包店成为了一名打工仔。莎莉有一个个性十分粗暴的男友,相比之下,她更加喜欢温文尔雅的阿基姆,正当两人的关系逐渐步入正轨之时,甲斐竟然亲临美国,阿基姆苦心隐瞒的身份眼看就要被揭破。

  • 2011 9.0



  • 2018 9.0



  • 1991 8.0


    This 1992 Japanese film tells the story of a scientist who sets out to create the new super Adam and Eve, humans who cannot be controlled by their emotions. Of course, the end result it not exactly what the good doctor expects.  comments from imdb  This modern tale of an attempt to build a creature is one of the best horror films ever made, even if its not a horror film but something else entirely. Certainly its on my short list of all time great films.  This film was introduced to me by someone who told me I have this film that probably one of the best films you'll ever see. It will move you and touch you and make you think, but if I told you what it is and told you how its done you will think its the stupidest thing on the face of it and you won't watch it. Intrigued I asked what did he mean, and he said, Well its a Frankenstein story, with a very goofy sort of edge, but which uses it to its advantage. My ears perked up, and I being a trusting soul took the tape and watched it. I was blown away.  The plot concerns a mad scientist attempting to make a new Adam and Eve in the wake of a suicidal plague that is ravaging the world. Locked up in his lab his experiments go differently then either he or we expect. Some of it is silly (The bolts in the neck, the wrestling moves...), all of it is touching and thought provoking.  I can not recommend this movie enough. If you are willing to take the film on its terms and allow it to tell its story then I urge you to seek this film out and see it. This is an undiscovered gem that will stay with you forever.  15 out of 10 and then some. 1010  Also known as The Last Frankenstein, this is an extraordinary, impeccably produced horror film. Director Takeshi Kawamura uses Mary Shelley's novel as a mere launching pad for an exploration of subjects as diverse and fascinating as the nature of love, desire, suicide, mass hypnosis, sex, alienation and jealousy.  And though the film is dense with subtext, it is also stunningly photographed and rich in atmosphere and detail. The performances are all amazing and Kawamura's sensitive handling of the strange, delicate relationships between the characters results in an emotionally charged, angst-ridden tragedy.  The scenes of the confused, troubled monster hurtling through a fog-shrouded forest at night are memorable and striking, as is a brilliant home movie-style montage of the film's more curious characters enjoying a precious afternoon at the beach. Kawamura creates resonating visual poetry of horror and sadness barely sighted since Todd Browning's classic Freaks.  Intelligent, emotional, tragic and real, this is an absolute gem. 910

  • 1982 2.0
  • 1994 2.0



  • 2023 10.0
  • 2023 9.0
  • 2016 7.0


    1927年“四?一二”后,国共合作破裂。   蒋介石的特派员李耀川和中共北方局领导秦声达这对曾经的结拜兄弟回到陕西,在清党运动中,他们分道扬镳,在信仰和亲情中挣扎。而他们的下一代,李志远、秦怀文、秦怀武、梁冬梅等也卷入革命风潮,分属不同的阵营,走上不同的道路。   主人公李志远和梁冬梅选择了共产主义道路,而秦怀文则坚守着三民主义,兄弟们之间,父子之间,上演着革命与反革命的信仰之争。铁血军人秦怀武则始终期盼家和亲情的完整。   李志远等共产党人坚定信念,投身革命,经历了农村革命、保卫苏维埃、创建根据地、迎接中央红军、西安事变等革命洗礼,以及晋西北抗战、保卫延安、解放西北的战争洪流后,终于迎来了一个崭新的新中国。

  • 2021 10.0



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